I am working on an analysis that uses CDM schema and in order to make it final, I need to analyze procedural data.
In OHDSI, we emphasize SNOMED, LOINC and RxNorm/ATC that help us standardize diagnoses, labs and medications. However, we need some good common terminology to express
procedures. I would like to find collaborators that would be willing to look at their top 10 procedures found in their CDM-shaped repository.
I would be interested to hear perspective of any non-US data OMOP CDM implementers, how
they currently represent, for example, Gynecologic Examination, Chest X-ray (2 views), Electrocardiogram (with interpretation and report) or Pre-surgery evaluation ( in their PROCEDURE_OCCURRENCE table)
Please email me to vojtech.huser at nih.gov if interested in collaborating about analysis of Procedures. (I am hoping to get some insights into procedures coming from non-US data repositories).
If you are familiar with work on top2000 LOINC codes, I need a similar set (just top 20 is enough) for procedures.