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Standardizing code status (advance directive)

I am working with a colleague on an analysis where mortality matters and he is accounting for code status (Do not resuscitate patient preference; advance directive).
For example for increased mortality, the drug or care system is not to be blamed completely, put part of the problem is due to preferences of patients.

Snomed has a term for advance directive status link but I wanted to get opinion from various institutions what values for code status they typically have in their EHRs.

Our larger informatics goal is to come up with some general recommendation for all possible CDM-based analyses that would want to account for code status.

Besides SNOMED, there are also LOINC codes …
(for some reason HERMES takes for ever for this concept
alternatively - one can look here http://r.details.loinc.org/AnswerList/LL50-6.html

SNOMED and LOINC do not seem to have nice parent term and value sets here.

How many values your EHR has for code status?
We normally see DNR, Do not intubate, Comfort Measures Only and Full code.

Do you represent those as orders or as documents in an EHR? (it would ideally be a separate field (something like allergy))
