@lee_evans@schuemie, Is the CI server building/deploying SqlRender? If so, can we have the source jar also deployed.
To do so, we need to add maven source plugin (javadoc is an option as well). Thanks.
I don’t believe it currently is unless someone else set this up. I loaded a version (now out of date) of the SqlRender library when we first launched the repository, but before jenkins was available.
Looks like the java-src folder doesn’t contain any third-party dependencies, so the compiling/packaging into a jar file seems pretty straight forward, unless I’m missing something. Is there any more to building the java artifacts? Did you envision maven support doing more (e.g. something with R)?
FYI, I have submitted a pull request for you to review. mvn clean package will creater binary jar, source jar, & javadoc jar. See pull request for additional detail. Let me know if you have any questions. Once merged, we can get @lee_evans to create a jenkins job to push this to snapshots repo.
@alfranke the maven source and javadoc plugins are deployed on the Jenkins CI server so the SqlRender sources.jar and javadoc.jar are also pushed to the OHDSI Nexus snapshots repo by the SqlRender Jenkins build.
Feel free to update the WebAPI pom.xml to add the maven source and javadoc plugins, if you want source and javadoc jars deployed for WebAPI too.
I’m very new to Maven, so forgive my ignorance. Do we now add links to Nexus and/or Jenkins from the SqlRender GitHub repository? Some mention in the Readme file?