SNOMED Overhaul Discussion

TL;DR: if you care about SNOMED domains (#1), Family History (#7) or social context terms in SNOMED (#8), read this post, check out links and please-please come to the next Vocabulary WG meeting on Nov 14th.

We’ve been able to go through a lot of items on the call! We are coming back to discuss the remaining items on the next Vocab WG call November 14th noon EST.

A brief summary of what has been discussed:

  1. A systematic approach to domain assignment in SNOMED leading to changes in domains.
    Decision: gather more feedback
    Related post: Proposed changes in SNOMED domains

  2. Change domain for 3 concepts (abnormal, normal, malignant) from Spec Disease Status to Meas Value.
    Decision: have these terms in both domains unless conventions can be relaxed.
    Related post: Spec Disease Status vs Meas Value

  3. Deduplicate SNOMED drugs and dm+d (SNOMED UK) drugs by “erasing” the former.
    Decision: not to proceed

  4. Make administrative procedures such as “Admission by dermatologist” non-standard Observations.
    Decision: have them as Observations but keep Standard

  5. Change concepts like Rabies vaccination given to History of + value (to increase consistency of use of History of and to highlight the fact that these happened in the past)
    Decision: proceed as planned.

  6. Adding more mappings
    Decision: no objection here, we need more mappings :slight_smile:

What has not been discussed:

  1. Making concepts in classes a) Attribute, b) Linkage Assertion and Linkage Concept, c) Location (except for countries), d) Physical Force, e) Physical Object (except Devices), f) Social Context (except Relationship domain) non-standard.

Please check out the examples in the slides and come to the meeting if you care about these classes!

  1. Family history: creating a comprehensive hierarchy of family history.

Given that it is a chunk of work, we need to know if people use family history in their research at all :slight_smile:

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