SNOMED CT to ICD 10 PCS mapping

Hi Folks ,

We have got the snomed code for the procedures and would like to map it to the existing CD10 PCS
vocabulary , would like to know is there any query which can be ran on the concept tables (concept , concept_relationship,concept_ancestor) to get the ICD10 PCS for the required concept id.
Thanks in advance !!

Abhishek Verma

Let’s take hysterectomy as an example

It subsumes this ICD10PCS concept

Zoomin on that blue concept further

reveals that formal mapping (under non-standard to standard) maps to SELF ! (see blue focus)

The problem is with granularity. ICD10PCS may hit a territory where SNOMED refuses to go (will be out of scope for SNOMED). This is a big problem in the world of OMOP procedures internationally). That is why we struggle so much with procedures. (and target terminology for procedures)

@Vojtech_Huser thanks for the clarification. Then what would be solution to get ICD-10-PCS for procedures other than mapping from snomed code to ICD-10-PCS. Because we have nearly 77000 ICD-10-PCS codes. Is there any other way to get ICD-10-PCS codes

Hi, Abhishek Verma!

I am sorry for that awkward silence lasting months. :slight_smile:
Have you found the solution to your problem?

And, by the way, why do you need Snomed - ICD10PCS mapping? It goes against CDM best practices.

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hi, maybe you can try to use Python script to generate some sort of “fuzzy” match?

  1. Using fuzzywuzzy tokenisation (such that word order is ignored) ratios.
  2. For each item in the procedure list ( to present all fuzzy matches above x to allow clinicians to select the best fit


You don’t even need to try to extract tokens: CONCEPT_SYNONYM table as well as UMLS source contain concept names in hierarchic form:

Excision of Stomach, Percutaneous Approach for example has synonym “Medical and Surgical @ Gastrointestinal System @ Excision @ Stomach @ Percutaneous @ No Device @ No Qualifier”.

We have previously created early version of transition from ICD10PCS to SNOMED by matching these logical tokens to SNOMED concepts that serve as attributes for procedures concepts.

Here’s more about it:

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