We have got the snomed code for the procedures and would like to map it to the existing CD10 PCS
vocabulary , would like to know is there any query which can be ran on the concept tables (concept , concept_relationship,concept_ancestor) to get the ICD10 PCS for the required concept id.
Thanks in advance !!
The problem is with granularity. ICD10PCS may hit a territory where SNOMED refuses to go (will be out of scope for SNOMED). This is a big problem in the world of OMOP procedures internationally). That is why we struggle so much with procedures. (and target terminology for procedures)
@Vojtech_Huser thanks for the clarification. Then what would be solution to get ICD-10-PCS for procedures other than mapping from snomed code to ICD-10-PCS. Because we have nearly 77000 ICD-10-PCS codes. Is there any other way to get ICD-10-PCS codes
You don’t even need to try to extract tokens: CONCEPT_SYNONYM table as well as UMLS source contain concept names in hierarchic form:
Excision of Stomach, Percutaneous Approach for example has synonym “Medical and Surgical @ Gastrointestinal System @ Excision @ Stomach @ Percutaneous @ No Device @ No Qualifier”.
We have previously created early version of transition from ICD10PCS to SNOMED by matching these logical tokens to SNOMED concepts that serve as attributes for procedures concepts.