SNOMED code lookup website

Dear all,

Could anyone kindly point me to a website where I can input SNOMED concept_id and lookup the corresponding meaning of it? I’ve searched for long and all the websites I stumbled upon seem to do the reverse lookup, i.e. input search phrase and output concept_id, which doesn’t help me.

Thank you!

You can use ATLAS for that. Type in CONCEPT_ID and you’ll see the SNOMED
conceptname returned.

Thank you so much!

Concept_id is metadata that exists only in standardized vocabularies. Thus, if you want to lookup meaning of SNOMED concept anywhere instead of ATLAS,you should use concept_code, not concept_id.


Thank you for this helpful insights!

Thank you very much for your input! This website is actually one of many that I stumbled upon where I have to search by text, not concept_id. Correct me if I am wrong. I probably can search this website by using concept_code instead.

Correct. But be careful. Our team faced with problem of non-synchronized versions of local SNOMED extensions.

Got it. thank you for the headsup!

what’s the problem with local extensions?
you just choose “International Edition” there