Small potential ICD10 concept_id 35207155 mapping issue

Hi, I found the concept_id 35207155 (an ICD10 code for Major depressive disorder, single episode, unspecified) appears to be related to the ICD10 concept_id 1568217 (Major depressive disorder, single episode) but does not appear to have a SNOMED code. Could it map to the SNOMED 4282096 (Major depression, single episode)?

Hi @jreps,

It already has a non-standard to standard mapping to concept_id = 4282096 as seen here

Yes, we released the new version of ICD10CM mappings yesterday,
so it’s recommended to upload the latest vocabulary from Athena.

And, please don’t mix up ICD10 and ICD10CM, these terminologies are almost similar but different in some cases.

Could you explain more about the difference between ICD-10 and ICD-10-CM, and how they work in OHDSI vocabulary mapping task? Thank you.

In general ICD10 is worldwide, while ICD10CM is its US-extension. Mostly they take ICD10 and added bunch of codes. Count of ICD10CM concepts is about 100 000, while ICD10 - about 15 000.
And sometimes (not much, actually) there’s a difference in concept meaning, for example
ICD10 - Other specified diabetes mellitus, with coma
ICD10CM - Other specified diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity

also some codes are absent in ICD10CM but present in ICD10 (you don’t expect that as ICD10CM is much larger), for example
A08.5 Other specified intestinal infections
A09.0 Other and unspecified gastroenteritis and colitis of infectious origin

So, in the mapping task you specify vocabulary_id =‘ICD10CM’ for US based databases, vocabulary_id = ‘ICD10’, if other is not specified