¿Hay planes de introducir los sinónimos de la edición de snomed en castellano en el vocabulario OMOP?
Hice una pregunta sobre la carga de los sinónimos de snomed en castellano para Usagi y finalmente hice un poco de trabajo con la edición española para incluirlos en la herramienta. Parece que funciona bastante bien.
Creo que los sinónimos en castellano es algo que debería estar de base (como si estará en breve la extensión francesa)
Muchas gracias @Diego_Bosca_Tomas. Voy a traducir y mencionar aqui una de las personas que se encarga del vocabulario para que te puedas contactar con ella.
They want to map the concepts using Usagi.
So the SNOMED browser doesn’t help them.
Thus, for now, they need to modify the concept_synonym table using the External file. @Eduard_Korchmar can you provide the link to the SNOMED refset file with Spanish names?
The link to the EHDEN forum you posted redirects to the main EHDEN forum page, not to the exact topic.
Refsets are not enough, since international SNOMED on its own only contains english descriptions.
@Diego_Bosca_Tomas, please download April 2021 SNOMED CT Spanish Edition from this site. You could populate concept_synoym from description table, joining CONCEPT on CONCEPT_CODE and VOCABULARY_ID fields.
RF2 file format is (EDIT: I meant to say isn’t) easy to read, so here’s additional info. Columns you need are id, conceptid, term, languagecode, active and effectivetime. SQL query would look very similar to this (taken from github). Please be wary that id refers to particular terms, while conceptid points at actual CONCEPT_CODE.
I was thinking on modifying a vocabulary download to replace concept names with their Spanish synonyms. Would that allow Atlas users to search for concepts in Spanish? Do you think that it would break anything else? I know that vocabulary is “wrong” per definition, but I’m thinking in ways of easing Atlas use to Spanish speaking-only researchers