Should we adopt ABMS Specialty Concepts?

From: Burrows, Evanette K []
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2015 3:52 PM

Hi Christian,

For the PEDSNet network, we have decided to standardize our specialty groups to the American Board of Medical Specialties listing. However, we have discovered that only a subset of the specialties as defined by the ABMS are included in the OMOP v5 vocabulary under the Specialty vocabulary_Id. We are hoping that you can add the remainder of specialty categories that did not map to the vocabulary.

I’ve attached the link below to to our ABMS mapping to the OMOP v5 specialty concept mapping:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you.


Do I understand correctly you want to add all the specialties we currently haven’t got into the list?

Right now, we use the Medicare provider/supplier specialty codes from the CMS. It is a pretty horrid list, because it mixes true medical specialties with things like “Clinic or Group Practice”, “Oxygen supplier” and “Pharmacy”. And real specialities, like the one you are listing, are missing. We need to figure out a way how we could decompose specialties from Place of Service Concepts.

However, we also have the NUCC concepts (vocabulary_id=‘NUCC’). Did you take a look at those for what you need?

Hi Christian,

That’s correct! We’re hoping to add to the list to include the American Board of Medical Specialties listings. It seems that both the NUCC and CMS miss/mix some of the categories that the ABMS include. Most importantly in the current listing of specialties from both NUCC and CMS there isn’t a place for pediatric specific specialities, which is a need for our Network.
