Sharing Research Results - Beta Test!

With the help of @lee_evans, we’ve set up a place where folks can explore the raw results of OHDSI studies and contribute to the analysis process, sharing in the glorious publication opportunities.

For OHDSI Study #2, you can find the results of the 12-month treatment pathways in hypertension for 4 datasets. We will be adding additional datasets as they come in, as well as data on diabetes and depression.

You can access the data via our web-based Postgres Client, on your own machine via a Postgres client such as pgAdmin3, or directly through R via the handy DatabaseConnector! I have provided the full authentication details on the Collaborators section of this forum. If you are unable to access that thread and are an OHDSI named collaborator, please let me know and I’ll get you added.

The four tables are:

sources (list of all data sources)
htn_summary (counts of patients by study inclusion criteria)
htn_person_cnt (counts of qualifying patients per year)
htn_seq_cnt (the main table of all treatment pathways, including num_persons, index_year, and source_name)

Let me know how it goes and what issues (or brilliant insights and visualizations) you uncover.


VERY COOL Jon and Lee! I can connect and explore from the web-based client but I can only connect and see table schemas from the PGAdmin III when connected to the development server. The permissions issue I get when I try to view data on any table is the error in this screenshot.


PGAdmin III access works for me if I use the authentication info that Jon posted in the Collaborators section of this forum. Are you perhaps connecting with your other database account?


Ah, that was the issue. Used Jon’s connection and I could view the tables. Thanks. Just a thought because now I have two different server configurations for the same server…would it be any trouble to create a “researchers” group and that folks like me who develop and do research could belong to so that we can just have one server connection (assuming that research schemas assigned read and temp table permissions to “researchers”). It might actually come in handy for other reasons with LAERTES…

kind regards,

It’s a good idea Rich.

I just implemented it.
