Sept. 21 Community Call: Welcome To OHDSI ... Now What?

We hope everybody enjoyed the 2021 OHDSI Symposium. Recordings are being posted to shortly, and we’ll share information about the videos from the 2 main symposium days during tomorrow’s call.

Tomorrow’s call (11 am ET) will focus on helping new collaborators get started on their OHDSI journey, while also hopefully helping some community veterans find new collaborators, share a bit about their journey, and show some of the new material available on This call is for EVERYBODY in the community, but especially for those inspired by the symposium and ready to start their journey.

For those in the OHDSI tenant, you should have received a calendar invite for this call. If not, a direct link is available here (though we highly recommend being logged into Teams, so you can take advantage of the chat, polls and more).

Please share this with anybody who might be interested!