RxNorm Presentation / interesting recommendation

Appended below is a posting from the PCORI DSSNI group that provides a link to a presentation on the RxNorm suite given by Olivier Bodenreider. Folks can listen to the presentation if they wish. However, I posted the entire email because of one of the comments in the Chat Log that Shelly included in her email. I bolded the comment from Olivier that caught my eye about not using the legacy VA drug hierarchy but the recommendation to use classes from DailyMed or ATC instead.

Interested in hearing reactions from those on this list who have used the existing drug classes.

Michael Kahn

Good morning,

Dr. Bodenreider’s presentation has the honor of being the largest audience in the history of PCORnet Office Hours! We’re very grateful to him for sharing his expertise with us, and looking forward to further discussion and work.

The recording of this session is posted here: https://pcornet.centraldesktop.com/pcornetmain/folder/3659277/#folder:4504165

With thanks to Becky Wilgus, here are the questions that came in at the close of our session today with Dr. Bodenreider’s responses:

From Jessica Tenenbaum :

Is it possible to take advantage of this new class functionality to enable hierarchical searching of RxNorm coded drugs in i2b2? Know of any groups doing that?
Olivier Bodenreider:

I believe it is, Jesse. The classes (regardless of source) are linked directly to RxCUIs. The API provides not only the drug-class relations, but also the hierarchy of the classes, so class-enabled search should be possible (as it is in RxClass)

from Roy Pardee (GHRI) to Everyone:

@Jessica–it’s not so slick, but we imported the VA’s class hierarchy out of UMLS to create a hierarchy for our i2b2.
Olivier Bodenreider:

I had heard about i2b2 using the VA classes from a question sent to us (about why there were not available through RxClass).

I would recommend against using the “legacy” VS classes, because they are no longer used in any clinical system. The classes from DailyMed or ATCseem more reliable and appropriate.

The small advantage the VA classes offer (at least in theory) is the ability to take into account the route of
administration in the class assignment – SCDs, not INs, are linked to VA classes.

from Rahul Jain to Everyone:

interesting i2b2 discussion… would be interested in learning more.

Olivier Bodenreider:

Keep your questions coming :wink: Send them to RXNAVINFO@LIST.NIH.GOV. We are happy to help.

Best wishes,



Can you be so kind and post the presentation? The PCORNet thing is under lock.

Will put them in at some time in future, together with the British National Formula classes.

My two cents: Each drug hierarchy represents a different perspective for
how to classify drugs. None are inherently ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, but there
are many important differences. I’ve seen value in ATC, ETC, VA Class,
NDFRT… When I’m trying to use the standardized vocabularies to define a
drug codeset, I purposefully explore multiple hierarchies so that I have a
more sensitive coverage of a particular concept. I have repeatedly found
that looking down multiple classifications and exploring the differences
between different vocabularies leads to important insights that are worthy
of consideration about the topic. @Frank wrote a nice paper about the
impact of using different drug vocabularies a couple years back…while the
vocab has been substantially updated since then, I think the key findings
in that paper are still directly applicable to all of our collaborative
work and can be considered a ‘best practice convention’ that we should
encourage others to follow.

Uploaded the WMV file of Olivier’s presentation to my Google Drive account and made downloadable by all:


Patrick’s well nuanced response is, as always, the voice of wisdom – there is no free lunch…

It says:


Unable to play this video at this time. The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded. Please try again later.

Just tried this link again and it works. Give it a go and let me know.

the link says: The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded.

So for people without the login to PCORNet the recording is not really accessible.