
pSCANNER is considering replacing our home-grown presentation layer for specifying analytic models in our web portal with something in Shiny & RStudio that will emulate Rattle. I see some traces of RStudio discussion here - has anyone been working with Shiny?

Hi Daniella-

I have worked with Shiny some and have really enjoyed it. Are there specific questions that you have that I can help answer?


Thanks Tiffany,

This is great to hear. We are considering integrating Shiny into the pSCANNER portal as a query specification tool similar to Rattle, if you’ve seen that GUI. We would create templates in Shiny to users to specify analytic models and view/browse results. We have manually programmed one of these templates that reads in an arbitrary data set (for multivariate logit in a case-control design), but we would like to allow community to create more templates that correspond specifications for a broader set of methods that are commonly available in machine learning packages (including, but not limited to R).

Replicating our templates would require using some of the dynamic updating features of Shiny - how painful is it to script in Shiny?


Hi Daniella-

Sounds like a great use of Shiny! I think the idea of allowing community members the freedom to build their own Shiny templates is great. Scripting in Shiny felt pretty natural to me and was not something that I felt was too challenging (for the limited tasks I used it for), but I use R a lot. That being said, I found this R Shiny tutorial to be super helpful and think that it would be a great resource for those who are not as familiar with R.

I have used Shiny as well and it is very good for some common data display tasks. I used Shiny as a way to avoid direct coding in javascript.