Rheumatology Working Group for OHDSI

Hello All,

I am a clinician-researcher at CUMC/Columbia and very excited to join the OHDSI community!

My specialty is in rheumatology (a subspecialty within internal medicine) and we focus on diagnosing and treating relatively rare autoimmune, inflammatory, and immune mediated diseases.

You have probably seen examples of a few rheumatologic cohorts/phenotypes including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, dermatomyositis, overlap syndromes etc.

Phenotype creation, validation, and outcome driven research in our rheumatology research community is key, as we are often limited by smaller numbers and our diseases are very heterogeneous with differential responses to treatments. We would benefit tremendously from this type of data to estimate treatment effects, especially in areas where it is difficult/unfeasible run clinical trials.

I would like to take this opportunity to announce a working group dedicated to rheumatology for the purposes of creating and refining these phenotypes, study important outcomes, as well as important risk factors/predictors. My specific interest/niche is within rheumatoid arthritis associated interstitial lung disease and examining the association with anti-rheumatic drugs.

I plan on presenting formal goals and objectives of this WG in the coming weeks on the OHDSI community call, but would love to hear from anyone who is interested and would love to chat with you.

Thank you!!!

Liz Park

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@Liz_Park Hopkins Rheumatology is on board! @wkelly19 @Benjamin_Martin I imagine we will need to reach out to several clinicians/sites directly to grow this group, at least initially. We can help with this.

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@Liz_Park and @Christopher_Mecoli, this post got a shout out from Craig on the community call today.

And @aostropolets put an all caps “YES” in the chat so it looks like we might have a Titan on board too… Let’s do it!

-Ben Martin

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