Rheumatology Research in OHDSI

Hello OHDSI Community! My name is Chris Mecoli, a clinical rheumatologist at Johns Hopkins in the USA. Relatively new to OMOP/OHDSI. I wanted to post in an effort to gather researchers interested in the rheumatology space. The goal would be to have a thread where rheumatology-related research questions can be discussed, phenotypes developed/tested, and collaborators established. My group’s specific interest is in rare diseases including inflammatory myositis (dermatomyositis, necrotizing myopathy, etc) as well as systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), but hopefully this thread can expand to include all rheumatologic research questions. Please reply if interested and invite others. @Daniel_Prieto @saskia_lawson-tovey


Hi @Christopher_Mecoli , are you familiar with the OHDSI phenotype development and evaluation workgroup? The group focuses on enabling the ohdsi community to collectively develop and evaluate phenotypes. We also perform characterization studies on the ohdsi network. The group is also responsible for the ohdsi phenotype library.

Would you be interested in working with that workgroup?

Hey lovely to meet you f2f @Christopher_Mecoli
My group at Oxford is leading work on psoriasic arthritis. It would be great to explore collaboration in this field @Sara_Khalid1 @Arani11

Thanks @Gowtham_Rao! Absolutely. The phenotype working group seems great, though I have clinic when most of the Teams calls are scheduled for… if I develop a Phenotype (similar to the process outlined in Phenotype Feb) should I simply upload it to the working group for comment?

@Daniel_Prieto we have a PsA center here that will likely be OMOPified in the near future. Will keep you posted.

I propose we meet and talk about the phenotypes you are working/have worked on. @AzzaShoaibi and I have what we call as office hours where we meet 1:1 where possible. Is that of interest?

Absolutely! I can work to block off an hour of that works for your schedules. In general I can make Monday and Wednesday afternoons work. Please let me know and I can block my clinics accordingly. Thanks again

@AzzaShoaibi @Gowtham_Rao
Absolutely! I can work to block off an hour of that works for your schedules. In general I can make Monday and Wednesday afternoons work. Please let me know and I can block my clinics accordingly. Thanks again

Hey @Christopher_Mecoli Great to talk to you. Just a quick recap

  • specialized clinical domain and ontology/vocabulary. e.g. oncology WG had to introduce new vocabulary into OMOP
  • describe clinical (phenotype) target - via clinical description → logic description → cohort definition → evaluation on one or more data sources.
  • more than one cohort definitions is possible, but should highlight tradeoff in measurement error.