Reusables examples on OHDSI Atlas


For those interested in the new Reusables module in Atlas 2.11 and above, here is an example of a Reusable:

And a cohort definition that uses it (note: nothing here will indicate that it was built with the Reusable):

If any questions on this new module or ideas on improvements, please contact me.


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This new module looks like a very useful feature. We just upgraded ATLAS/WebAPI to 2.11.1, but I don’t see the new Reusable module listed below Prediction. Is there configuration we need to do to turn it on?


@Ajit_Londhe Never mind, I got it fixed. It is a Chrome setting issue. The Reusable module doesn’t require specific configuration to turn it on.

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Great – sorry I missed the earlier message.

Chrome is often cache-happy, so definitely clear the cookies/cache whenever first using newer versions of Atlas.