Retired Procedural Code (formally HCPCS)

I am trying to track how this dental code would be represented in the vocabulary and in the data.

Here are the details:

concept_id: 40663150 

19700101       20110109

INVALID_REASON:              D

It may be protected code that can not be public on our search here at

I am not sure this code is truly retired in 2011. I have seen it used recently by a dentist during care. See a link here, for example:

I am using version v5.0 07-NOV-16

Other problems:

  • I am not able to see the latest vocabulary release via this mechanism (earlier advertised as best)
    (also can the release notes possibly follow a format YYYY-mon-DD or YYYY-MM-DD

  • If a concept is replaced (in 2012) with some code, is there a way to find the “sucessor” term?


We took the dental codes out. Without successor. We only use medical procedures. Is that a problem for you? Do you have a dental use case?

I think dental care is also health care and should not be made “invalid”.

I think we should have some valid end date for all procedural codes. It this code is indeed active, our vocabulary should not say “retired”.

Inclusion of dental care is an indicator of “data quality”. If dental care is documented - I have a fuller view of the patient’s life.

Use case: level of dental care and dental conditions are linked to diabetes severity.

Borgnakke WS, Ylostalo PV, Taylor GW, Genco RJ. Effect of periodontal disease on diabetes, systematic review of epidemiologic observational evidence. J Periodontol 2013;84:S135-152.

Ok, but we need to understand whether it is a nice to have (which it clearly is), vs something that folks really are working on. Because whatever the source for HCPCS is - in 2011 it no longer contained the dental codes. So, we would have to build another feed. We do that all the time, but there is a long list. Where is it in the list?

So limited research on this indicates:

Dental codes seem be similar to CPT as being commercial.

ONC’s overview of standards is listing CDT here:
(and costs is formally listed) (so it is not free)

License details seem to be here:

Hi @Christian_Reich

If there are any updates on adding dental codes to standardized vocabularies? We are converting one of the TRUVEN datasets to OMOP CDM and having a problem with a bad mapping rate in Device_exposure table because of dental codes.

Thank you,


We have most of them, as deprecated HCPCS. We will add them back in.

What’s the timeline?


Thank you for your answer.

We have closing of the project soon. If dental codes can be added asap it would be great.


Following up on this conversation:

I see the retired CDT codes in the concept table but they are still marked retired and are unconnected to any other concepts.

I’m still really, really new at this, so please forgive the bonehead question:

We’re a dental school and inclusion of these codes would be critical to our use of CDM and related tools. Am I violating some basic principle if I map to retired procedures, or do I just pay a price of having no links to other vocabularies or standard concepts?

Would really appreciate your guidance,

Are looking for CDT codes in the CDT or HCPCS Vocabulary?
All CDT codes with Vocabulary_id =‘HCPCS’ are deprecated, because they have correct representation in Vocabulary_id =‘CDT’
See here

That’s just the ticket. I didn’t find those because I went looking for a specific code that is included within a range in this set. Thank you.

So, have you found it, eventually? :slight_smile:

I found it in Athena, but not in online instance of Atlas.

But I’m running with the working assumption that Atlas is just a demo and is configured over some but not all of the vocabularies.

That’s possible, but since we’ve implemented the ‘terms and conditions’ landing, we should be able to support more vocabularies. But it’s also possible that there’s tighter restrictions on the demo site (although I’m not sure why we wouldn’t have the same constraints on the public Athena site)

That’s interesting why CDT is not included in Atlas.
As far as I know CDT doesn’t require any licencing.
Public Atlas has v5.0 13-DEC-18 version of the Vocabulary, that originaly included CDT.

As of 2010 the ADA ended the CMS distribution of CDT codes with HCPCS. A license needs to be purchased from the ADA. We need to make it proprietary in Athena. Will do.

@Kate_Weber: Do you have a license?


Yes, thanks for asking. We’re a dental school, so CDT is a key part of our working vocabulary for a variety of applications…


Can you be so kind and request it in Athena? Then we can enable access if you present the subscription ID.

Will do. Thanks for your help.