Results Tab in Data Quality Dashboard Has Nothing To Display


I have managed to run the Data Quality Dashboard on the Synthea dataset, however the “Results” tab is showing blank. Please note that the “Overview” & “Metadata” fields are being populated.

Results Tab with no Data:

Overview & Metadata with Data:

I ran the viewDqDashboard command in R that created the results.json file in the home directory. Below is image of home directory:

I have even checked the path of json where the results.json is generated by printing it out. This path is correctly pointing to requisite path. Image below:

Would be great if someone can please direct me what needs to be done.

Thanks in advance.


Would be great if anyone can please advise on the same.


Hi @MaximMoinat @Ajit_Londhe,

Would be really great if I can get 2 cents of your advise on the above.

Thanks in advance.


Start by looking at the DQ log file. Should be in same directory as the json file. Anything unusual? Then you can open the json file with a Chrome browser (ctl-O). It will not display like the shiny app, but you will be able to see if there are any individual data quality checks.

Thanks much @DTorok . I will definitely have a look at the suggested step by you.

However, when I looked at the source code of the results page, I could see that some of the JavaScript (js) was actually being called from a website and since the DQD I installed on a linux box with no internet hence it gave errors. Below is the screenshot of the source code for your reference:

Please note that I got this using the “Inspect” element of the browser.

As the Box in which DQD is running can not have internet facility (company policy), can you please suggest how to have the DQD run with no connection over the internet?

Thanks again for the help.


It looks like several javascript libraries are not being loaded, and this is indeed due to not having internet access. (listed in the first eight lines of your console screenshot)

One way around this is to export the json to your own environment and launch DQD from there.

However, there should be a way to make these javascript libraries available locally. We should provide instructions. Could you open an issue on the DataQualityDashboard Github? (if not, I am happy to open this on behalf of you)

Thanks much @MaximMoinat for looking at this issue. Apologies for the delay in replying. Hope you had a great weekend.

Yes, its correct that due to no internet in the workspace box, the DQD Dashboard “Results” section could not load up. Specifically the required JS files could not load up as shared in my previous thread image.

As first workaround, I copied over the results.json file into the “www” folder located under shinyApps directory, took it out of the workspace box into own system and hosted it via a http-server wherein I was able to see the “Results” section. But this approach is time taking and very difficult to automate.

However, as a second workaround, I download the below JS files from Internet, transferred to Non-Internet based workspace, changed the index.html (located under www directory) by pointing those to downloaded JS files locally and refreshed the DQD Dashboard page. Post this step I was able to see the “Results” section. Screenshot below:

– Downloaded JS files below:

– Changed the index.html, footer code to point to the above JS files Directory

– Successfully Able to See “Results” tab in Non-Internet Workspace Box

However, using the second workaround, gave one issue, which is, the “Expand” and “Collapse” buttons (Denoted by + and - signs) does not work, but the rest of buttons like pagination, Export, Column visibility etc seems to be working.

Below is the error screenshot or Pop Up Message, I am getting with this approach.

I think a bit of tuning needs to be done in the loadResults.js as the error in above screenshot could possibly be solved using this link

In either case, please let me know if with the above information, I can raise an issue in the DataQualityDashboard Github?

Look forward to hear from you.


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Hi @MaximMoinat ,

Issue created in Github.

Thanks again.


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