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Requirements Development for the OHDSI Gold Standard Phenotype Library

Glad to have you on board, @Andrew!

@SCYou, @Juan_Banda, and @jswerdel, would you like to share a bit about what you’ve been working on regarding your respective items for our meeting on the 16th? It appears 10am ET is midnight KST, so it would be unreasonable to expect @SCYou to join the call, and I believe @Juan_Banda is unavailable at this time, but even just a couple of slides or list of highlights would be welcomed so the WG can become introduced to what you’ve been thinking about and the direction you think we should be headed.

Sounds good. I will have a few slides about the progress with PheValuator and what I see as future directions.

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@apotvien I’ll try to attend the meeting.
And I will prepare to show what I’m doing for phenotype library. :slight_smile:

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I missed the formal group formation. But this is very relevant to what I am currently doing in the context of RWD/RWE. I would like to join the WG and will attend the future meetings. (and will volunteer for some tasks to do)


@jswerdel and @SCYou, thanks a bunch, and we’re looking forward to hearing your perspectives next week!

@Vojtech_Huser, welcome! This is a great time to join, as this WG group is still very much in a formation stage. Indeed, RWD/RWE needs RWP (real-world phenotypes)! :slight_smile: I hope we can chat about how this ties in with your work at our upcoming meeting.

I uploaded the manual chart review system for hemorrhagic stroke to the git hub, too.
It seems that the positive predictive value in hemorrhagic stroke is much better than in ischemic stroke. I’ll upload the result soon.

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@apotvien count me in! We’re developing an algorithm for chronic kidney disorder, which can fit the library nicely.
I also feel that I somehow lost the track… Has the place for storing the library already been figured out?

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Hello @aostropolets, consider yourself counted in! It is for certain that our library will eventually require a gold standard definition of CKD.

No, we have not yet established how the library will be implemented. We’ve floated the ideas of integrating it into Atlas, maintaining definitions on the wiki, or storing them in a GitHub repository. Ultimately, that will need to be resolved by the community with the help of our (yet to be known) volunteer lead for Subtask #5, which pertains to the library architecture and implementation.

@apotvien Do we have a meeting, today?

Hi all,

Please find the link for today’s meeting below:

Audio connection:
+1-415-655-0001 (US TOLL)

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your participation and the great discussion in the meeting today. We especially thank our presenters, @SCYou, and @jswerdel!

We’re going to attempt to reschedule this meeting, aiming for M, Tu, or Th morning. Please fill out the Doodle poll below to denote which times could work for you:

The poll denotes the date of the next meeting, but our intention is to have this become a regularly occurring bi-weekly meeting at the time with the most votes.

I apologize for the meeting link problems encountered by many of you this morning. Once we reschedule, we’ll make sure the links are correct across all locations.

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Hello all,
As I am new to the group I am curious if we have a way for the presentations to be circulated after the meetings? I’ve seen this forum and the wiki so far for how information is shared with the group.

Hi all,

Wednesday’s skype call was very interesting and informative. As a new member to this workgroup I would like to make myself available to anyone that needs help with his project. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the next meeting due to a business trip.


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Hi @jdratto, certainly! I’ve just added a section to our WG wiki with a link to the slides. Thanks to @SCYou and @jswerdel for sending them! I’ll plan to add future presentations there as well.

@asiapos’s post reminds me to pose the following question, which was also asked during Wednesday’s meeting. @SCYou and @jswerdel, several community members are eager to help out and just need some direction on how they might do so. At this point, are there specific things that people can jump into and start helping with right away? In other words, how can we best support you?

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Thanks to our Doodle poll participants! Amazingly, there was one time slot that had at least one type of check mark across the board. We’ll resume meeting biweekly starting Tuesday (1/29) from 10-11am EST.

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Hello everyone,

For our next meeting this coming Tuesday, @Juan_Banda will be presenting to us about his perspectives on computable phenotype design and his work on Aphrodite. Again, this meeting will be held on 1/29 from 10-11am EST.

This time around, please use the following meeting link to join in (which can also be found on the Wiki and WG meeting document):

I regret that I can’t be on the call today due to a scheduling conflict. I hope that it will be recorded.

Hi @Andrew, I’m afraid we haven’t been recording the sessions so far. However, there is a link to the meeting notes and past presentations on the WG wiki.

Hi all, it’s been about a month since my “call to arms” post asking for volunteers to join this group and to help with developing the 5 components of the GSPL:

  1. Design: Rule-Based (Heuristic) Phenotypes
  2. Design: Computable (Probabilistic) Phenotypes
  3. Evaluation: Manual Chart Review / Annotations
  4. Evaluation: Automated / Algorithmic
  5. Library Architecture and Implementation

I appreciate all of you who have joined the group, shown interest, and participated in our first set of meetings this year. We also appreciate having @Juan_Banda , @SCYou , and @jswerdel leading Items 2), 3), and 4), respectively.

After some consideration, I am now volunteering to lead the library architecture and implementation piece. I’m excited about developing this aspect of the library and look forward to sharing some ideas for how our library might function during our next meeting on 2/12. Your feedback will be very important in guiding the direction this takes.
