Requesting better support for mapping ICD-O in SNOMED

As part of the OHDSI Oncology workgroup, I have done some work in mapping ICD-O to SNOMED. During that work I have had discussions with SNOMED about their current map to ICD-O.

I have two requests for gathering support to make changes to SNOMED:

  1. SNOMED should support mapping to multiple versions of ICD-O.

  2. SNOMED should precoordinate all valid possible combinations of SEER site/histology.

Currently, SNOMED does not support maps to multiple versions of ICD-O. For example, currently SNOMED maps to ICD-O 3.2 (an unreleased version of ICD-O). I have asked that SNOMED maintain maps to multiple versions of ICD-O. Most tumor registry data for the last 6 years would be coded in ICD-O 3.1. The data from the last 6 years in most institutions will likely never be migrated to ICD-O 3.2. So having a map to ICD-O 3.1 would be valuable for making it possible to ingest tumor registry data from the last 6 years. SNOMED asked that I gather international support for this use case.

SNOMED currently has precoordinated Clinical Findings (disorders) for only a very small percentage of the possible site/histology combinations from the SEER site/histology validation list. By my queries, only 975 out of 49,831. To my mind this is major piece of missing knowledge in SNOMED. Again, SNOMED asked that I gather international support for this use case.

If you think making these changes would be useful to SNOMED, could you please provide a name, institution and country to submit to SNOMED as support for making the changes?