Request for help: Come test our OMOP CDM-based exploratory analytics platform!

Hi OHDSI community!

Our team at Fortress (early stage startup) has been developing a privacy-preserving analytics platform for healthcare data. The platform enables third parties to run exploratory analytics over PHI without the data owners ever externally sharing the underlying data, and without relying on dubious de-identification techniques. Our platform uses a formal privacy framework called Differential Privacy to enforce the privacy of query results. Fortress supports OMOP’s CDM out of the gate, with a Python SDK at launch (and an R SDK as our next to-do) and with standard SQL as the query interface.

We’re starting to roll out the platform for external testing/piloting by researchers and data scientists, and we’d love for anyone in the OHDSI community to help test the platform (for free, of course!!) and give us feedback. We’re trying to make it as functional and easy-to-use as possible, so we’d love any and all suggestions.

If you’re willing to help us out and give our prototype a spin, you can schedule a demo walkthrough here or email me at

We’ve been very grateful for all of the excellent open source resources we’ve found through this community forum, and we are hoping that this platform may eventually be useful to individuals within the OHDSI community. To that end, any members who help us pilot the platform will receive free beta access to the platform, and early access to any FOSS versions of the platform.

Thanks for your consideration, and happy Thanksgiving!

Ben Simon
CEO and Co-Founder, Fortress