Relationship_id for FACT_RELATIONSHIP table

Dear colleagues,
we would like to request relationship_id we can use in order to link in fact_relationship table the following records from cdm event tables :

  1. condition_occurrence_id (records containing icd code in _source_value) with measurement_id:
  1. stage
  2. t (tumor)
  3. n (nodes)
  4. m (metastases)
  5. grade
  6. progression_ind (identifier if patient has progressed in treatment)
  1. condition_occurrence_id (records containing icd code in _source_value ) with observation_id:
  1. ajcc_stage_ind (identifier if stage was set using AJCC rules)
  2. histology
  1. condition_occurrence_id (record containing icd code in _source_value) with condition_occurrence_id:
  1. gleason_total
  2. lung_cancer_type
  3. metastatic_ind (identifier if the cancer has metastasized)
  4. histology
  1. condition_occurrence_id with drug_exposure_id

Thanks you in advance.

Hello Irina,

We are planning to extend OMOP CDM to support oncology domain. Hopefully, soon there will be no need for workarounds. We have formed a group to work on this project. This is the workgroup page:

If you are interested in joining, please respond to Doodle poll at


Hi @rimma - I cannot make any meetings the week of 3 April thru 7 April, but want to join this group. Thanks, Don

Please add me to the oncology WG.
