Recruiting study participants - Data quality characterization tool for Fitness Tracker data

Hello. My name is Sylvia Cho and I’m a PhD candidate at the Department of Biomedical Informatics at Columbia University.

I am conducting a study to evaluate a data quality characterization tool for fitness tracker data that focuses on data completeness.


We are recruiting researchers who:

  1. have experience in analyzing fitness tracker/wearable device data for their research,


  1. have experience with other biomedical data but would be interested in conducting research with fitness tracker data in the future.

If you decide to participate you will be expected to:

· Watch a tutorial video on two data quality tools.

· Interact with the tool and explore dataset provided

· Conduct a few tasks using the tools. (If needed, you can also conduct your own analysis using the dataset and code editor of your choice)

· Respond to surveys

· Be interviewed on your thoughts on the tool

The study will take approximately 1 hour, and you’ll receive a $50 gift card for your participation.

For further information or if you’re interested in participating, please contact me at

Thank you!