Readmission detection

I am developing a pyspark framework related to cohort selection and readmission detection. This will be used to reproduce the Surgeon Scorecard developed by Pro Publica. It will be an open source app that I want to publish to OHDSI.

I have a set of icd9 codes that indicate a diagnosis and a set of icd9 codes that indicate redadmittance for that diagnosis. I find these codes in the condition_occurrence table though I am not sure if that is the only table I need to look at? I am wondering how the procedure_occurrence table relates to these?

Are there are published codes or pseudo code for readmission detection on the medicare or OMOP data format? Or are all these proprietary?


Not sure about the question of whether anybody has done it, but we would clearly welcome such a contribution.

ICD9 codes and where they live: Most of them are conditions, but some are Procedures and Observations. You can find out by checking the concept_class_id for each of their respective Concepts in the vocabulary. If it contains “Condition” the record is in the CONDITION_OCCURRENCE table, “Produre” in the PROCEDURE_OCCURRENCE table, and so on. If they have two meanings pre-coordinated it will say “Condition/Procedure”, and then you find the mapped Concept in both.

Let me know if that doesn’t help you.