Not sure what the probelm is. You find seborrheoic dermatitis in UMLS and in OMOP, and you are mentioning a difference, but I can’t see any. What am I missing?
Maybe. We are not using UMLS as a source for Read. We are using the original distribution file from the NHS. And yes, we are using Version 2.0 because that is the one used in CPRD.
We are looking at CPRD which uses Read codes. The following Read codes made up the top 6 conditions. But from the description that these codes should be either measurements or observations.
Code…:Description … Domain Concept Class
137S.00 Ex smoker…Condition Clinical finding
1371.00 Never smoked tobacco …Condition Clinical finding
246…00 O/E - blood pressure reading …Condition Clinical finding
246…11 O/E - BP reading …Condition Clinical finding
137P.00 Cigarette smoker… Condition Clinical finding
138…00 Exercise grading … Condition Clinical finding
select source_code, source_code_description, mapping_type, concept_class
FROM source_to_concept_map
JOIN concept ON concept_id = target_concept_id
WHERE source_vocabulary_id = 17
AND source_code IN
( ‘246…00’,‘246…00’,‘1371.00’,‘137S.00’,‘246…11’,‘138…00’,‘137P.00’ )
Hang on, Don. You are the one who is working wiht Rimma on the Smoking convention. We need to discuss the proposal and then put it through the system. Is that happening?
Regarding the other ones:
O/E - blood pressure reading …Condition Clinical finding
246…11 O/E - BP reading …Condition Clinical finding
138…00 Exercise grading … Condition Clinical finding
Welcome to the world of Read. They are the ones who submitted these codes to SNOMED and made them “Clinical Finding”. They should really be Measurements or “Observable Entity” in SNOMED lingo.
Let me submit to the SNOMED people. In the mean time, we will overwrite by hand.
Putting in the tobacco. Exercise grading - can actually be a clinical finding. The blood pressure is screwed up in SNOMED, intermixed with true findings like orthostatic hypotension.