I’m very new to OHDSI, and am taking an introductory class. I’m curious to know about two answer choices in Chapter 4 and one in Chapter 5.
In Chapter 4, the listed answer in exercise 4.2 for PERIOD_TYPE_CONCEPT_ID is 44814722 (period while enrolled in insurance; a type concept / observation period type). I had thought 4085479 (private insurance held; an observation/clinical finding). I went with the latter because it was a Standard Concept, rather than the former, which was nonstandard.
Also in Chapter 4, exercise 4.3, for DRUG_TYPE_CONCEPT_ID I had listed 4126021 (prescription; observation/attribute; a Standard Concept), whereas the answer was 38000177 (prescription written; type concept/drug type), which was again a nonstandard concept.
I would appreciate clarification on the rationale in these cases!
In Chapter 5, exercise 5.3, I could not find any reference to the MedDRA terms in either ATLAS or Athena. What is the best way to search these terms?