I noticed something when looking through concepts using the mapping code to snomed. When using the "relationship_id = ‘Maps to’ " in the concept_relationship, I mapped an ICD9CM transplant procedure to a generic “Past history of procedure” concept. For example:
select * from omop_v5.concept src
left join omop_v5.concept_relationship cr on src.concept_id = cr.concept_id_1 and cr.relationship_id = 'Maps to' and cr.invalid_reason is null
left join omop_v5.concept tar on cr.concept_id_2 = tar.concept_id and tar.standard_concept = 'S' and
where src.concept_code = 'V42.82';
Returns concept_id 4215685 - Past History of procedure ( SNOMED 416940007 )
But if I use the “Maps to value” instead of the “Maps to”, I get the procedure concept I am looking for:
select * from omop_v5.concept src
left join omop_v5.concept_relationship cr on src.concept_id = cr.concept_id_1 and cr.relationship_id = 'Maps to value' and cr.invalid_reason is null
left join omop_v5.concept tar on cr.concept_id_2 = tar.concept_id and tar.standard_concept = 'S'
where src.concept_code = 'V42.82';
I am not sure where my mistake is.