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Question about HADES testing

Hi Everybody,

I believe it was at the last Technical Advisory Board Martine (@schuemie) presented some info on improving versioning and testing of OHDSI modules. A few questions…

  • Is there a recording of the Sept 1, 2023 TAB meeting and is the PPT available (I’m not seeing it here: Technical Advisory Board)?
  • There was a list of different database platforms and a yes/no indication if there was testing for each of these platforms:
    • Can these tests be run against my local instance of a given CDM (i.e. are there tests I can run against my local instance of a CDM for a given platform to test configuration, connectivity, and basic functionality)?
    • How can I find these tests?
    • Is there documentation for these tests and/or the testing architecture/framework overall?



I’ve just uploaded my slides to the TAB Teams Files section. I also don’t see any recordings.

Unfortunately, you cannot run these tests against your local instance. That is just not how it works.

The tests follow the standard R testing framework, which means they’re in the test/ folder of each package. For example, DatabaseConnector’s tests are here. The results are most easily viewed on this page, which tells you which packages currently pass the unit tests, and what percentage of the code is covered by the tests.

There’s not really documentation on these tests, except if you count this. If someone would like to document this then that would be great!

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Hi @greshje.gmail
The recording of @schuemie great presentation on the September 1st OHDSI TAB call is now available here:
OHDSI Technical Advisory Board - Monthly call-20230901_103148-Meeting Recording.mp4

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Hi @greshje.gmail,

If you clone a Hades R package you can try to run the tests locally. For tests that depend on a CDM database you could try setting the environment variables to point to your local CDM instead of the OHDSI test server and run the tests. So it certainly possible for you to run tests. To try running tests: clone the git repo, open the project in RStudio, and click the “run tests” button. You might get some errors if dependencies are not all installed or environment variables don’t exist but that’s the basic idea.

We will have a couple Kheiron calls in the open source community devoted to testing in the next few months so be sure to check those out.
