Q: Outcomes discordance EMR data vs Claims data?

See question from Cindy Girman, member of PCORI’s Methodology Committee. Anybody know of any studies that looked at this issue?

From: Cindy Girman
Date: Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 10:24 AM
Subject: Data Quality

Hi Michael,
Hope you are doing well. Do you know of any work in PCORnet or other large databases or studies that have looked specifically at the discordance between outcomes identified in EMR vs outcomes in claims and validation thereof? Just curious. There is very little in the literature on this. Thanks

There is a paper using CPRD data that looks at HES (hospital), CPRD (EMR), and MINAP (registry) data and the concordance among them for cardiovascular events. This is not exactly claims vs. EMR, but it gets at a similar point.

Completeness and diagnostic validity of recording acute myocardial infarction events in primary care, hospital care, disease registry, and national mortality records: cohort study

BMJ 2013;346:f2350 doi: 10.1136/bmj.f2350
Emily Herrett, Anoop Dinesh Shah, Rachael Boggon, Spiros Denaxas, Liam Smeeth, Tjeerd van Staa, Adam Timmis, Harry Hemingway

Thanks Mark. More interested in US but this is relevant. Anyone know of anything in US with reported discordance rates?

There is a Korean paper investigating the diagnostic accuracy of acute myocardial infarction in national claim data, too the paper

It takes a lot of digging because there are lots of validation studies and one has to read the methods to figure out what source they used as the gold standard.

Here are a couple that might be useful (I didn’t review them fully). This is a very interesting topic to me because we store the sensitivity and specificity of algorithms for exposures and outcomes in our software. So, examples like this are very useful to us. And, of course, the effect of the misclassification on the risk estimate is important too!

Identification of Physician-Diagnosed Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias in Population-Based Administrative Data: A Validation Study Using Family Physicians’ Electronic Medical Records.

Development and Validation of an Algorithm to Identify Patients with Multiple Myeloma Using Administrative Claims Data.

Missing clinical and behavioral health data in a large electronic health record (EHR) system.

Therein lies the problem – takes a lot of digging and each validation study is very specific to outcome or population. Was hoping someone had looked at discordance more broadly and comprehensively. Good idea for a publication!

I agree. Let me know if you need some help, or if you want to do some ad hoc searches. We don’t have a lot of resources, but t isn’t any trouble for us to pitch in. The accuracy of various “algorithms” for finding events is a critical issue for us.

a poster i presented to the OHDSI Europe Symposium may be of interest

my PhD thesis was on this issue, you may be interested to have a look at it - the main case study is on Italian data but there are also more general discussions
