Pseudo RxNorm Contributions

During yesterdays community meeting, @Christian_Reich told about the new Pseudo-RxNorm standard for drug concepts. Thanks for that presentation. Very clarifying!
The last months, I have been involved in the drug mapping procedure for a Danish dataset. As I understood, Pseuod-RxNorm allows adding drug forms/strengths that are not currently present in RxNorm. Our mapping would greatly improve with this addition.

How can we contribute our missing drug forms and strengths to Pseudo-RxNorm? I have a whole list of unmappable drug strengths waiting here.
And when do you expect to release Pseudo-RxNorm?

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We got a whole procedure for that. It will add your drug terminology automatically if you submit it in a predefined way. It is all described here.

Let us know if you want to do that and we can help.

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