Proposal to add type_concepts for lab Measurements

@aostropolets and I propose to add 4 values to the Measurement Type concepts where vocabulary_id and concept_class_id = “Meas Type”

We would like to represent:

collected: collected, but no result yet
completed: test completed, but not “final” could be waiting on verification
Final/read/verified: I’m open to naming conventions here, but the representation of the concept would be a final reading of a test

The current values: From physical examination, Derived value, Test ordered through EHR, Lab result, Pathology finding, and Patient reported value.

Use cases:

  1. [quote=“aostropolets, post:3, topic:4083”]
    we put all tests into Measurement table. If a record has no result we thereby know that those tests were either ordered or collected but the result never came back to the clinic.

  2. We do daily, incremental data loads from our EHR. Our tests are in every stage: ordered, collected, completed, and final/verified. We need to distinguish between the different stages.

We would like community feedback before bringing this to the Themis WG on Thursday

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@MPhilofsky I’m late to the party and I’m not sure where this proposal is at but…

I think this highlights an issue within the CDM where additional details are squeezed into the type concepts which, as I understand it, are meant only to specify “what source the information was drawn or inferred from”. Most of the domains have a set of type concepts that fit this mold but a few exceptions (i.e. condition and death) make this confusing:

  • current death type : source type + underlying/immediate/contributory
  • current condition type : source type + inpatient/outpatient + header/detail + position + primary/secondary (yikes)

I believe it’s on the THEMIS agenda to clean these up?

My vote would be to follow a similar approach to how conditions were further qualified using condition_status_concept_id (admitting vs. discharge vs. preliminary diagnosis) and that we add a new column, let’s say measurement_status_concept_id, to store the status information. Adding the status of the measurement to the meas_type concept class would not allow us to retain both the source (e.g. ‘test ordered through EHR’) and the status (e.g. ‘collected’) in a single measurement record unless we adopted the approach used in condition types and created a concept for every combination.


Great ideas are never too late! Yes, this was on the Themis agenda, but didn’t get a conclusion because it wasn’t ready with a good proposal.

I like your idea. Adding these values to a “status” column would satisfy our use cases. We get a few utilization of care, improved care models, etc. requests for our data. The Provider “ordered” the lab, the person had the lab “drawn/collected”, the lab test was “completed”, the lab test was “verified/read/final” result (blood cultures).

@MPhilofsky, @aostropolets, @rtmill:

Make a proposal and hand to @clairblacketer, please please.