Currently, it is allowed to have more than one entry per DRUG_EXPOSURE record:
“Each Drug Exposure may have any number of corresponding records in the DRUG_COST table, but usually it is none (no cost data recorded) or one. They are linked directly through the drug_exposure_id field”
From my perspective, this would make sense if the DRUG_COST table holds something like a cost_type and a cost_value. In this case we would need multiple records for one DRUG_EXPOSURE record.
However, the DRUG_COST table provides a fixed number of pre-defined fields. If we allowed multiple records (each holds the same pre-defined fields) for one DRUG_EXPOSURE record, which record would be the right one?
If I don’t misunderstand the approach here the proposal is to allow not more than one DRUG_COST record per DRUG_EXPOSURE record.