Professional Development Breakouts (June 15 Community Call)

Please join us Tuesday, June 15 (11 am ET) for an OHDSI Community Call focused on Professional Development. We will be opening four breakout sessions that focus on:

Clinical Epidemiology (Moderators: Talita Duarte-Salles and Dani Prieto-Alhambra)
Information/Data Management (Moderators: Maxim Moinat and Mui Van Zandt)
Open-Source Software Development (Moderators: Greg Klebanov and Kees van Bochove)
Statistical Methods (Moderators: Yong Chen and Marc Suchard)

Our breakout sessions are meant to be open conversations in these areas. While each room will have at least two leads to help facilitate and moderate the discussion, we are hopeful to have as many people as possible engage in conversation, by asking questions, sharing suggestions, providing guidance, etc. Everybody is invited!

We will all start at the main meeting, which should be in your calendar invite, but you can also access here.

To access the Clinical Epidemiology room, you will simply stay in the main call. To move to the other breakouts (and please feel free to bounce around if you are interested in multiple topics), the other breakout links are posted below.

Information/Data Management :arrow_right: Click here
Open-Source Software Development :arrow_right: Click here
Statistical Methods :arrow_right: Click here