Problem connecting to Postgres database using Database Connector

I’ve been having some trouble connecting my postgres db to Achilles, and tracked down my woes to the OHDSI database connector.

I’m currently using R 3.2.0 and Java 1.8.0_45
I’ve followed the instructions listed on the github page. When I execute:

connectionDetails ← createConnectionDetails(dbms=“postgresql”, server=“localhost/odhsi”, port=“5432”, user=“snkasthu”, password=“duh”, schema=“odhsi”)
conn ← connect(connectionDetails)

I get:

Connecting using PostgreSQL driver

However, when I try to execute a command, such as:

dbGetQueryPostgreSql(conn, query = “select * from person”)

I get:

Error in rJava::.jcall(s, “Ljava/sql/ResultSet;”, “executeQuery”, as.character(query)[1]) :
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation “person” does not exist
Position: 15

The full error report reads as:


org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation “person” does not exist
Position: 22


R version:
R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)


Attached base packages:

  • stats
  • graphics
  • grDevices
  • utils
  • datasets
  • methods
  • base

Other attached packages:

  • Achilles (1.0)
  • RPostgreSQL (0.4)
  • rjson (0.2.15)
  • DatabaseConnector (1.2.1)
  • RJDBC (0.2-5)
  • rJava (0.9-6)
  • DBI (0.3.1)
  • SqlRender (1.1.2)
  • devtools (1.8.0)

Just to make sure: both your database and your CDM schema within that database are called ‘ohdsi’?

I found that Postgres has some problems with uppercase in schema names. So if for example your schema name is ‘OHDSI’, then calling SET SEARCH_PATH TO ohdsi; (PostgreSQL equivalent of USE ohdsi;) will not throw an error, but will also not change the search path, leading to errors as yours. Oddly, this is even the case if you use SET SEARCH_PATH TO OHDSI; ,so with the correct case.

Best to always use lowercase in schema and table names on Postgres.

Hi Martijn,

Sorry, this may be a n00b response… I may have misunderstood either you or the instructions that were given on the wiki.
What we did was convert our database into a fully compliant postgres CDM schema. So basically, We don’t have a database and schema as two separate entities - the CDM schema (named ODHSI) contains the 39 tables with our data. Um… isn’t this what we were supposed to do? :frowning:

On PostgreSQL you will always have both a database and a schema, even if you’re not aware of it. Below a screenshot of my Postgres environment, showing the ohdsi database with several schemas including the cdm4_sim schema.

And you’ll really need to rename the CDM schema to ‘ohdsi’ (lowercase), or else PostgreSQL will not work properly.

Hi @schuemie,

Thank you! One lives and learns :smile:

Looking at my own environment, I found the ohdsi database (actually, I had to rename it from odhsi to ohdsi). However, I had just one schema named ‘public’, which I took to be the cdm schema.
And so, I changed my command to

connectionDetails ← createConnectionDetails(dbms=“postgresql”, server=“localhost/ohdsi”, port=“5432”, user=“snkasthu”, password=“pswrd”, schema=“public”)

And it worked!
Next, I tried to execute

achillesResults ← achilles(connectionDetails, “cdm4_inst”, “results”)

Now, cdm4_inst is supposed to be the CDM data and results are supposed to be the target results . And so, I used the following command -

achillesResults ← achilles(connectionDetails, “ohdsi”, “ohdsi”)

Because my CDM data lives in the ohdsi table, and I wanted the results to go into it too.

However, I seem to be getting:

| | 0%Error executing SQL: Error in .local(conn, statement, …): execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (ERROR: relation “ohdsi.care_site” does not exist
Position: 279)

I tried changing this to point the results into a brand new table, but the same error still persists.

Am I specifying these firleds correctly? something seems to be amiss :frowning:

The different database platforms have different definitions for ‘database’ and ‘schema’, making things a bit complicated. In your case (PostgreSQL), the cdmDatabaseSchema parameter of the achilles function should contain the schema name. So I think this should work for you:

achillesResults <- achilles(connectionDetails, "public", "public")

Oh, thank you!

So I did try that. This time, i’m faced with:

Executing multiple queries. This could take a while
| | 0%Error executing SQL: Error in .local(conn, statement, …): execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (ERROR: column “organization_id” does not exist
Position: 110)

So I took a look at the public schema. It has the 39 tables that it got from the CDM. However, I note that the care_site table doesn’t contain an organization_id.

I looked up [github]/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/blob/master/PostgreSQL/OMOP%20CDM%20ddl%20-%20PostgreSQL.sql, and sure enough, this script doesn’t contain organization_id either.

Am I trying to use the wrong version of Achillies? My error report goes:


execute JDBC update query failed in dbSendUpdate (ERROR: column “organization_id” does not exist
Position: 110)

insert into TableCheck (tablename)
select ‘care_site’
from (
row_number() over (order by care_site_id) rn
WHERE rn = 1

R version:
R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16)


Attached base packages:

  • stats
  • graphics
  • grDevices
  • utils
  • datasets
  • methods
  • base

Other attached packages:

  • Achilles (1.0)
  • rjson (0.2.15)
  • DatabaseConnector (1.2.1)
  • RJDBC (0.2-5)
  • rJava (0.9-6)
  • DBI (0.3.1)
  • SqlRender (1.1.2)
  • devtools (1.8.0)

I suspect you may be running ACHILLES for CDMv4, whereas you’re working
with CDMv5. When you call ACHILLES, you can specify a parameter to be v5,
which should clear up this issue.

Hi @Patrick_Ryan, thank you! :smile:
It seems that the documentation is not very clear on this part, and I cant seem to find the command that you’re speaking of. Is it something that goes in the library(Achilies) command, or the call to achillesResults ← achilles(connectionDetails, “public”, “public”) ?


Here is my command history:

Create Postgress Connection:
pgConnectionDetails <- createConnectionDetails(dbms=“postgresql”, user=“wstephens”,password="*****", server=“localhost/cdmv5”, port=“5432”, schema=“public”)

Run Achilles in CDM v5 mode
achillesResults <- achilles (pgConnectionDetails,“public”, “public”, “”, “”, TRUE, 5, “5”, TRUE)


Thank you @wstephens!

I edited your command to match my database as follows,

achillesResults ← achilles (connectionDetails,“public”, “public”, “”, “”, TRUE, 5,“5”, TRUE)
However, this gave me the following error:
Error in achilles(connectionDetails, “public”, “public”, “”, “”, TRUE, :
Error: Invalid CDM Version number, use 4 or 5

And so, I edited it to specifically mention the parameters as follows -

achillesResults ← achilles (connectionDetails,cdmDatabaseSchema=“public”, resultsDatabaseSchema=“public”, sourceName=“”, “”, TRUE, smallcellcount=5, cdmVersion=“5”, TRUE)

This worked, and gave me:

Connecting using PostgreSQL driver
Executing multiple queries. This could take a while
|======================================================================| 100%
Analysis took 0.28 secs
Done. Achilles results can now be found in public
Executing Achilles Heel. This could take a while
|======================================================================| 100%
Analysis took 0.0509 secs
Done. Achilles Heel results can now be found in public

It also created several new tables (achilles_analysis, acillles_heel_results etc.) in the public schema.
Now the problem is, these tables are empty! could it be because I specify smallcellcount=5?

Yes, I would expect that is the reason (the sub-second execution time suggests the amount of data is small, leading to low cell counts).

You can try setting it to 1 and see what happens

Thank you for helping me through this, @schuemie and @wstephens :sunny:
I tried using:

achillesResults ← achilles (connectionDetails,cdmDatabaseSchema=“public”, resultsDatabaseSchema=“public”, sourceName=“”, “”, TRUE, smallcellcount=1, cdmVersion=“5”, TRUE)

Again, this executed in milliseconds, and yet, the database lies empty. So apparently it didn’t work. There are no apparent errors.
So i’m wondering, my person and observation_period tables do contain data ( > 5000 rows). Could it be because the other CDM tables are empty? or perhaps because I only executed the CDM create tables script, and not the scripts for constrained nor indexes?

I must confess that i’m rather clueless here :frowning:

Maybe the first parameter for which you do not specify the name is assumed to be the analysisIds parameter, telling Achilles to nothing. Could you try:

achillesResults <- achilles (connectionDetails, cdmDatabaseSchema="public", resultsDatabaseSchema="public", sourceName="", smallcellcount=1, cdmVersion="5")

Quick update: while working on this, I discovered and reported:

It is highly recommended that you do not run the code in the Vocabulary repository yourself. Instead, you can download the vocabulary from the Athena website.

Hi @schuemie, sorry, I am using the downloaded vocab :blush:
I ran into a problem using the cpt4.jar to get the cpt4 codes, which is why I reported an issue under the github page.


I have to agree with @schuemie here. CPT4 is included in the standard conceptual terminologies available from Athena. If your are using this downloaded data set you should not have to download CTP separately.


Oh apologies, I just re-read the email that I received with the link to download the vocab.
Apparently, CPT-4 comes with the vocab, but we need to use the cpt4.jar to download the descriptions for each.

The email I received reads:
"OHDSI does not have a distribution license to ship CPT-4 codes together with the descriptions. Therefore, we provide you with a utility that downloads the descriptions separately and merges them together with everything else. After unpacking, simply open a command line in the directory you unpacked all the files into and run “java -jar cpt4.jar”

So yes, you’re right, sorry :smile:


Exactly. Unfortunately, we need to do this silly extra little workaround. We tried hard to point that out to the vendor, but they have their reasons why it has to be that way.