Hi everyone,
I am at Columbia University Medical Center, and we use Epic system’s Clarity for our OMOP.
We recently ran into an issue getting duplicated condition_occurrence rows from same day at different visits: two condition_occurrence rows for a patient with same diagnosis code, a same condition start date with different visit ids.
For example:
(Fabricated scenario…)
Patient A had an office visit on January 1, 2020 and an imaging visit for an X-ray for her arm in pain.
At her office visit, doctor noted one of her diagnosis as “Pain in arm, unspecified: M79. 603 (ICD-10)”
Right after her office visit, she had an X-ray at an imaging department and her diagnosis was also documented as “Pain in arm, unspecified: M79.603 (ICD-10)”
The two visits both took place at Columbia University, at different departments.
Outcome of this in our data was as follows:
- visit_occurrence: we have two rows: one for office visit, one for x-ray imaging visit, each with different care_site_ids, happened on a same day, with even slightly overlapping time.
- condition_occurrence: we have two rows with condition_source_concept_id = 45587064 for ICD-10 M79.603, one for office visit, and one for imaging visit.
Although this looks perfectly “reasonable” as patient was diagnosed at two different visits by different doctors, it is still a duplicate in condition because Patient A has two rows of one diagnosis code on exactly same day.
Has anyone using Clarity found this to be an issue and have handled it somewhat differently?
Any share of ideas/thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!