PLP viewers Error in : Assigned data

I have downloaded a Patient-Level Prediction package from ATLAS, and run it successfully. But when I run the PLP viewer shiny app, I can see the performance of the models:

But except Results tab under Summary, I get the next errors in R:

Warning: Error in : Assigned data `format(round(eval$covariateSummary[, coln], 4), nsmall = 4)` must be compatible with existing data.
✖ Existing data has 15721 rows.
✖ Assigned data has 14 rows.
ℹ Only vectors of size 1 are recycled.
  137: <Anonymous>
Warning: Error in : Assigned data `format(round(eval$covariateSummary[, coln], 4), nsmall = 4)` must be compatible with existing data.
✖ Existing data has 14899 rows.
✖ Assigned data has 14 rows.
ℹ Only vectors of size 1 are recycled.
  137: <Anonymous>

See examples:

Any solving direction will be appreciated.