PIONEER Prostate Cancer Report Video Now Posted; Contacts Included To Join Ongoing Efforts

Thank you to @keesvanbochove, Giorgio Gandaglia, @agolozar, Bertrand de Meulder, Ariel Achtman, and @Robert_Snijder for leading an exciting and important presentation on the recent Prostate Cancer study-a-thon. The presentation, and a brief Q&A that followed, is available below.

There is still important work to be done studying prostate cancer patients managed with watchful waiting through RWE. If you want to collaborate on these ongoing efforts, here is a list of contacts you can reach out to:

Clinical characterization: Giorgio Gandaglia (
Phenotyping: Asieh Golozar ( and Shilpa Ratwani (
Prediction: Ronald Herrera (
Data sources/study execution: Susan Evans Axelsson (
PIONEER: Carl Steinbeisser ( and Emma Jane Smith (
EHDEN: Nigel Hughes (
OHDSI: Peter Rijnbeek (