Phenotype WG calls [as a thought experiment!]


If we had bi-weekly or monthly calls for the Phenotype working group, who would be interested in attending? (Attending meaning, make an effort to make it to ~80% of them).

Please reply to me directly if you prefer. I want to get a sense of how much traction we’d get if there were calls. Alternatively, we at Stanford can serve a co-ordinating role, pinging people directly as and when needed along with say a quarterly update on the Tuesday Collaborator calls.


Hi Nigam
I would like to involve in the phenotype working group.

Would love to but I know my commitments are exceeding my max bandwidth
right now. Will follow what y’all are doing and ping you when we get the
chance to start working with the Aphrodite… -R

Hi Nigam,

This is several months out. If there is a group on this topic, are there individuals interested in longitudinal phenotypes (i.e. clusters based on patient’s data over time to identify candidate disease subtypes)?

Here is example work from our group that we’ve been pursuing in the context of subtyping in autoimmune diseases.

Schulam et al., 2015 Clustering Longitudinal Clinical Marker Trajectories from Electronic Health Data: Applications to Phenotyping and Endotype Discovery 1.
