Phenotype Submission - Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer (metachronous and synchronous)

Cohort Definition Name: “Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer"
Contributor name: Asieh Golozar on behalf of the Oncology WG
Contributor OrcId: 0000-0002-4243-155X

  • Clinical description: patients with a diagnosis of Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer (synchronous or metachronous disease). Rebello et al provide a great overview of prostate cancer management.

  • Logic description: The definitions for synchronous and metachronous mHSPC are developed for use in wide range of datasouces such as cancer registry, population-based EHR, hospital based EHR and claims.
    There is no diagnosis code for mHSPC in non-oncology databases. As such the following logics was used for defining the two subtypes of mHSPC based on urologist input and review of the literature:
    Adult male patients with a metastatic disease who received a prostate cancer specific treatment will be identified. Patients are eligible to be included in either cohort if they have at least 365 days of observation prior to diagnosis of metastatic disease in the data source. Index date is set as the date of first metastasis diagnosis in the patient record.
    Patients are included in the metachronous mHSPC cohort if they have:

    1. at least one diagnosis of prostate cancer prior to or up to 30 days after index date.
    2. no evidence of other primary malignancies (other than non-melanoma skin cancer) prior to index date.
    3. not undergone orchidectomy prior to index date AND have not received ADT six months prior to index date.
    4. received local therapy (radiotherapy or surgery) any time prior to up to 184 days prior to index date.

    Patients are included in the synchronous mHSPC cohort if they have:

    1. their first diagnosis of prostate cancer in the database between183 days prior and 30 days after index date.
    2. no evidence of other primary malignancies (other than non-melanoma skin cancer) prior to index.
  • Recommended Study applications: target

  • Submitted cohort definition:
    Syn mHSPC.txt (27.3 KB)
    meta mHSPC.txt (93.5 KB)

Imported 792 and 793

@agolozar , for these cohorts, I noticed that the calendar dates 2016-2020 are hard-coded into the definition. Can you please confirm is that purposeful for a reusable phenotype, or was that just an artifact of the study period you happened to use in your PIONEER work?

Great catch! Thanks for pointing that out, @Patrick_Ryan. The calendar dates should have been removed. Fixed here:
Syn mHSPC.txt (27.1 KB)
meta mHSPC.txt (93.4 KB)
