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Phenotype Submission - Lower Extremity Bypass

Cohort Definition Name: Lower Extremity Bypass

Contributor Name: Evan Minty, Brian Bucher, Surgery and Perioperative WG

Contributor OrcID : 0000-0003-4631-9992, 0000-0001-8376-9752

Logic Description : Cohort entry indexed on procedure occurrence of ‘Lower Extremity Bypass’ (earliest event) with the following additional inclusion criteria:

• Age > 18

• Inpatient visit on day of surgery, and day after surgery, and no ED visit on, or in the 48h prior to surgery (i.e. non emergent surgery, requiring overnight stay in hospital).

• Observation period requirement of 365d

• Cohort exit: end of observation.

*Submitted version contains ICD9 Procedure codes, which are non-standard concepts.

Recommended Study Application: Target

Assertion Statement: This cohort definition was executed on at least one real person-level observational health data source and resulted in a cohort with at least 1 person.

Submitted Cohort Definition:
LowerExtremityBypass_NonEmerg.txt (916.0 KB)

Clinical Description: Lower extremity bypass is a surgical procedure performed to improve blood circulation in the legs by creating a new pathway for blood flow around blocked or narrowed arteries. This is typically done using a graft, often a vein or synthetic material, to bypass the diseased segment of the artery, restoring blood flow to the lower extremities and alleviating symptoms such as pain and tissue damage caused by reduced blood supply. The logic in this definition aims to select for a cohort undergoing non emergent procedures. Further details to aid in the population level evaluation of this cohort will be posted to this thread.

Evaluation Conclusion: Pending

Imported to the OHDSI Phenotype Library. It may be expected to be found with id = 867 in the next release. Thank you
