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Phenotype submission - Intestinal obstruction

Cohort Definition Name: Intestinal obstruction
Contributor name: Andreas Weinberger Rosen
Contributor OrcId: 0000-0001-9990-8155
Logic Description: First event Intestinal obstruction
Recommended study application: exposure, outcome, indication. Created intended to with a wide definition, and one where causes are very likely different than colorectal cancer or surgery with colorectal cancer as an indication
Assertion statement: This cohort definition was executed on at least one real person-level observational health data source and resulted in a cohort with at least 1 person.

Submitted cohort definition:
Intestinal obstruction- broad.txt (1.2 KB)
Intestinal obstruction- broad.txt (1.2 KB)

Target Clinical Description

Intestinal obstruction is a partial or complete blockage of the small or large intestine that prevents the normal passage of intestinal contents, including gas and fluid. This condition can occur due to mechanical causes like adhesions, tumors, or hernias, or functional causes like ileus. Without timely intervention, intestinal obstruction can lead to ischemia, perforation, and sepsis.

Presentation of Intestinal Obstruction

Common presentations for intestinal obstruction include:

  • Abdominal pain, often cramping in nature
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal distension
  • Constipation or inability to pass gas
  • Altered bowel habits
  • High-pitched bowel sounds or absence of bowel sounds upon auscultation

Assessment for Intestinal Obstruction

* Abdominal X-ray or CT scan for visualization and identification of the cause
  • Blood tests including complete blood count, electrolytes, and markers for infection
  • Physical examination, focusing on the abdomen and signs of peritonitis
  • Serial abdominal exams to monitor the progress or worsening of the condition

Differential Diagnosis of Intestinal Obstruction

  • Gastroenteritis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • hernia

Treatment Plan for Intestinal Obstruction

Initial management often includes stabilization with intravenous fluids, electrolyte correction, and nasogastric decompression. Surgical intervention may be required to relieve the obstruction, especially in cases of complete obstruction, strangulation, or suspected ischemia. Partial obstructions or functional causes might be managed conservatively with close monitoring.

Prognosis for Intestinal Obstruction

The prognosis for intestinal obstruction depends largely on the underlying cause and the timing of intervention. Early diagnosis and treatment can lead to favorable outcomes. However, delayed or inappropriate management can result in complications like bowel ischemia, perforation, and sepsis, which significantly worsen the prognosis. The patient’s overall health and comorbid conditions also play a crucial role in determining outcomes.

Assignment for Peer Review:

Peer review of the phenotype would be more than welcome

Broad 1
Imported to the OHDSI Phenotype Library. It may be expected to be found with id = 805 in the next release. Thank you

Broad 2
Imported to the OHDSI Phenotype Library. It may be expected to be found with id = 850 in the next release. Thank you
