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Phenotype Submission - Colorectal Cancer

Cohort Definition Name: “Colorectal Cancer ”
Contributor name: Asieh Golozar, Peter Prinsen on behalf of the Oncology WG
Contributor OrcId: 0000-0002-4243-155X

  • Clinical description: patients with a diagnosis of colorectal cancer, irrespective of the disease stage. This Nature Review on Colorectal Cancer provides a good overview of the disease.
  • Logic description: In cancer, diagnosis codes have high sensitivity and specificity. Development of a complex phenotype based is not required unless there is desire to assess cancer related outcomes form the time of diagnosis. Additonally, the definitions are developed for use in wide range of datasouces such as cancer registry, population-based EHR, hospital based EHR and claims.
  • Recommended Study applications: target
  • Submitted cohort definition:
    1st CRC.txt (564.4 KB)
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