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Phenotype submission - Antineoplastic drugs against colorectal cancer

Cohort Definition Name: Antineoplastic drugs against colorectal cancer
Contributor name: Andreas Weinberger Rosen
Contributor OrcId: 0000-0001-9990-8155
Logic Description: First exposure of drugs Antineoplastic drugs against colorectal cancer.
Recommended study application: exposure, outcome. The cohort reflects drugs approved by the FDA with the indication to treat colorectal cancer. The phenorype is intended to investigate how many patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer go on to recive some kind of medical oncological treatment, including a time dimension following surgery it could be possible to investigate the time to ‘return-to-intended-oncological-treatment’.
Assertion statement: This cohort definition was executed on at least one real person-level observational health data source and resulted in a cohort with at least 1 person.
Submitted cohort definition:
Antineoplastic drugs against colorectal cancer.txt (8.5 KB)

Target clinical description
Several drugs exists that might better the outcome for patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer, either in a neoadjuvant, adjuvant or palliative setting. Using exposure to drugs might help risk highlight risks for not getting the needed oncological care.



Differential diagnosis

Prognosis following curative surgery
If antineoplastic treatment is given in a adjuvant or neoadjuvant setting and curative treatment is possible the prognosis is usually favorable depending on several risk factors. If the drugs are given in a palliative setting the prognosis is usually worse.

Assignment for Peer Review:

Peer review of the phenotype would be more than welcome

Imported to the OHDSI Phenotype Library. It may be expected to be found with id = 795 in the next release. Thank you
