I got the following error when trying to acces the phenotype library
Is this url still up, has it change ?
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I got the following error when trying to acces the phenotype library
Is this url still up, has it change ?
taging: @apotvien @Gowtham_Rao
Hi @Javier - yes, i am aware of it. See discussion here Critical Error with Phenotype Library Website - #5 by TheCedarPrince
I will try to restore the old version asap - but put a disclaimer that it is deprecated. We are actively working on a replacement
Hi @Gowtham_Rao – wondering if there are any updates on this? The old version still appears to be down but the new version (PhenotypeLibrary2) is missing some of the phenotypes listed in the github. Looking to use this resource for a project in the next week or two. Thanks very much!
Hi @sbhave77 - it is working now
please be aware - that many of the cohort definitions in the 2020 version of the OHDSI Phenotype library is considered obsolete. We dont think they are correct, especially the referent cohorts.