Performing calculations using two concepts

Hi all, it is I; I have returned :smile:

In a nutshell, I’ve run a Heracles analysis, and am examining the results via Heracles runner. Under ‘measurements’ (using table view) I am able to identify two concepts of interest, both of numeric value.

However, my true need is to do a calculation involving the two concepts. For each patient, I want to subtract the value of one concept from the other. I don’t need concept A or B, I need a new concept inferred from both.

Does OHDSI support this functionality?


The numeric values should be in the field value_as_number, and it should be a number you can do any arithmetic function with. Where do you have a number in value_as_concept?


Thank you, but umm… are you referring to a field in the measurements table itself? my table has the following columns:
Concept Id, Level 4, Level 2, Measurement, Person Count, Prevalence, Records per Person

I’m afraid that I don’t see the value_as_number field or the value_as_concept fields :frowning:


what you are looking at is not the OMOP CDM. Are you looking at a HERACLES aggregate summary report?

Oh, I am sorry, I’m still not too familiar with the technical terms.
Yes. I am looking at the Heracles report (I click on the measurements and view the table). Could you please point me to the right place? :frowning: When you say CDM, are you referring to a specific tool?

I think we need a OHDSI glossary. Anyone interested in that?

No worries. Every professional uses jargon.

OMOP CDM: Common Data Model to store the patient data.
Heracles: Tool to generate standard reports on cohorts. The standard reports are in some kind of data structure, which you apparently are looking at.

BTW: Heracles is no longer actively developed. The functionality is now in ATLAS.


The standard Heracles / Atlas queries don’t perform this function so you will need to write custom SQL to do it. Let me know if you need help.


A glossary would be a great idea

Having the OHDSI business glossary is a fantastic idea. I do not think it should be a problem to start populating it and govern it on a continuous basis with a community of this size. We could use WIKI as a tool to host it, at least initially.

I have a prior experience with business glossaries and creating a governance process around it which I would be happy to share.


Go right ahead.

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Thanks everyone for helping me figure this out :slight_smile: I too agree that a glossary is a great idea. The OpenMRS project has one too: OpenMRS Glossary - Documentation - OpenMRS Wiki
Would be happy to contribute to yours as I progress!