Percutaneous route (SNOMED)

Athena has two standard codes for Percutaneous route (35627167 and 4177987). Both are SNOMED codes, and both codes roll up to “Route of administration value” (284009009). Any idea which is preferred?


Is this for an intravenous (iv) solution or a topical route? Percutaneous isn’t a widely used term to describe drug administration route.

I’d use 4177987. Seems like 35627167 is coming from another version of SNOMED (dm+d or something).

I see only a handful of records in our source data with that route- and Roger, I’m guessing it’s the same MED_ROUTE_C. Most seem to be insulin, although some are lancets, some are adult diapers, some are ointments, and some are other things that probably map to DEVICE_EXPOSURE rather than DRUG_EXPOSURE. I think we mapped that route to 4177987, for what it’s worth, but would just as soon have tossed out the records entirely, as there are <100 records from >3million patients.

35627167 is indeed a UK local extension concept. It’s most likely a logical dublicate and will probably be reunited with 4177987 next SNOMED release, as it’s their common practice. It means that 35627167 will become non-standard with invalid_reason = ‘U’ and have a mapping relationship to 4177987. Usually expected behaviour from most OMOP tools in that case is to automatically update foreign mappings from updated concept to it’s new target, so old mappings to 35627167 would right themselves during the next vocabulary update.

But, as @aostropolets said, using international 4177987 is safer.

Thanks all for the information, 4177987 it is.

Evan, I’ve got about ~4700. How many are drug and how many are device, I haven’t checked.