PENELOPE - including annotated PICO data from Cochrane

Thought I would start this thread that track the discussion of linked data Cochrane, LAERTES, and PENELOPE

Here are the key points:

  • Cochrane Collaboration, the premier group producing systematic reviews of health interventions, has been working for a couple of years on building a linked data store of annotations on reviews and individual studies. They are about to release an API that serves annotation data using their PICO ontology. The great thing is that the dataset uses OMOP concept ids and/or codes from RxNorm for drugs and SNOMED for HOIs

  • The annotated study data has outcomes including adverse events, and allows specification of studies specific to a given gender, age group, intervention, and health condition. The early version of the dataset will primarily include dementia related research

  • It will be very interesting to include, where possible, a summary and link to their PICO data. For example, if LAERTES provides evidence for a drug-HOI assocation from the lit - has this been annotated by Cochrane? Or, for the clinical studies section, what labeled indications have been studied in specific age groups or phenotypes? This should be completely doable by integrating some summarry data into LAERTES and pointing the linkout to their API. They also have an interface to browse the data which might be nice to show

  • They are also very interested in linking their PICO dataset to LAERTES evidence e.g., to show ADRs in product labeling.

Next steps - the leads from Cochrane (Chris Mavergames and Lorne Becker) are sending a list of drugs for which studies has been PICO annotated for the dementia domain (the one they have made the most progress on at this time). We should use that as one input into the final drug we pick to focus on for the F2F. They are also setting up a meeting to discuss technical details for late August, I will attend but hope that one or two other folks from this WG attend too.
