Has the OHDSI community chosen a standard concept (LOINC or SNOMED or whatever) for the PCORnet tobacco and/or tobacco_type fields? Do you plan to?
I see discussion in OMOP CDMv5 Conventions for PCORnet v1 but I don’t see much about mapping to terms such as “Evaluation and management of smoking cessation (LP135363-2)” from LOINC.
CDM Vocabulary has an axiom that each “thing” has only one standard concept. However, this is sometimes violated.
Smoking is an important research parameter and having all of us map it the same way is important. The community relies on users to discover bugs. The best case scenario is also when the bug reporting member also suggests some possible solution to the problem. Could you, please present all the candidate concepts for smoking and pick your best candidate. (list all SNOMED relevant codes and LOINC relevant codes). LOINC has no license issues so countries that are not SNOMED members might prefer LOINC.