Thanks @razavian for the nice presentation today in the PLP meeting!.
The recording and slides are available on the wiki page
Some additional questions and remarks on the paper of T2DM prediction from my side that were maybe to detailed for the TC:
- You call this population-level risk prediction in the title of the paper instead of patient-level prediction while the aim is clearly to predict individual risk. Is this a matter of terminology or not?
- As we discussed it would be very nice to get insight in the transportability of these models by rerunning the model development steps on other type of databases. Once the PLP pipeline has progressed more it would be nice to investigate this further.
- In your paper you mention that you compared the performance of mutliple clinically relevant definitions of T2DM. Clearly, a proper outcome definition is crucial here. How exactly did you do this?
- Looking at other ways of representing temporality in the model and getting insight into the additive value is very interesting i think. So i look forward to learn more on the convolution method paper you are preparing.
- In the parsimonious model you used binary variables for the measurements. Why was this done and would you expect improvement if you would keep them continuous ?
- You had to use surrogates for some features because they were not available in the data. Was this only BMI for Obesity or others as well?
- I like the idea of incorporating trend information on the measurements. This related to the disease trajectories research area. How did you define fluctuating, increasing, decreasing in your study? increasing compared to the previous only etc? if it is fluctuating it is around a constant value?
- You used log-likelihood reweighting to overcome class-imbalance. Does this mean you value a FP as much as a FN? How much impact did this have? on which measures (not AUC)?
- I find it interesting that the further you predict the less features end up in the final model after the regularisation. This is probably exactly what you expect right because the less strong features remain.
As i mentioned I will work in New York for two months (march/april probably) and @jennareps will come to NY as well some time. It would be great to visit you and David to see how we can merge our efforts.