Overview of databases in OMOP CDM

Hi All,

I will be filling two slots at the Summer School at Oxford University in July. These slots are about multi-database studies, harmonisation in EHR databases, quality control etc. I would like to introduce the OMOP CDM and tools like Achilles as well in this course.

I am looking for an overview of all the databases that are currently in or being mapped to the OMOP CDM to create a wold map or table.

Please reply to this topic if you have this overview or know databases that should be added:

Database Name, Acronym, Type (GP,Claims etc), Region?, Country, Size, etc

@MauraBeaton, @Patrick_Ryan your help would by appreciates since you probably have the best overview?


Peter, I take it you already saw this page on the wiki?


Could use additional data elements (and updating I suspect) but is a good starting place.

This helps thanks, but I am quite sure more is happening so if others can update this all the better.

Is there a responsible person that is coordinating this or is this more a community effort which explains the wiki choice?

I can take on the European databases that I am involved in that are not in this list yet (5+).

(I personally think this should be given much more attention on the OHDSI website (Who are we?) since it is a key selling point for OHDSI)

Hi Peter,

Thanks for raising this. I’m sure there are many more databases that haven’t yet been accounted for on the data network table.

I’ve started a thread to encourage people to update the table, or send me updates:


Hi Maura,

Our IPCI database is in the list but misspelled as ICPI. IPCI is also growing, the latest version of the research database now contains 2.400.000 patients. Can you correct this for us?


Just curious. Is the list of databases that have been converted to OMOP CDM up-to-date? https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=resources:data_network

Hi @Fabian_Schreiber,
These lists get updated prior to each symposium, so the most updated version would be this one: https://www.ohdsi.org/web/wiki/doku.php?id=resources:2020_data_network
